
RAJAPAKSA SHIRANEE (nee WICKRAMASINGHE),​ wife of late Upali Rajapaksa,​ (Attorney-at-Law,​ former Mayor of Rathnapura),​ much loved mother of Gamini,​ Eranthi and Charmi,​ mother-in-law of Shanika,​ Dharshana,​ Sanjeev and beloved grandmother of Sahani,​ Logitha and Nayali. Cortege leaves the Rathnapura residence on the 13th of December 2023 at 4.30 p.m. for cremation at 5.00 p.m. at the Malwela Crematorium. 231,​ Pothgul Vihara Mawatha,​ Rathnapura.


  • Funeral Status: Completed

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