
A grief care package will primarily teleport your assistance to the grieving friend or relative in the form of houseware, products and gifts. As the term denotes, it is often a parcel with odd items that the person might need to cope with in the grieving process for the upcoming period. This tribute exudes a kindness that is therapeutic, instead of creating wrong impressions. This blog will highlight the type of items to put in a grief care package, and how to customise it, depending on who you are sending it to. 


#1 Toiletries


These are the basics which every household needs, and require replenishment. The usual scenario is that even though it is vital, it is overlooked as a priority, especially if the person is grieving and doesn’t have time to purchase. These items are commonly toilet paper, tissues, shampoo, toothpaste and soap. 


The items to include can come from experience, and the general preferences of the person you are giving it to. 


#2 Food


It is recommended to stock the package with ready-made meals or non-perishable items, as the person might be too upset to eat altogether. Hence, this is a quality tribute and it is appreciated. 


Non-perishable food items are things like granola bars, canned goods and cereal.


#3 Comfort gifts


These are significant in the comfort they provide, by using them to vent out your emotions. The average gift doesn’t have to be expensive, but it can denote value. These include journals, candles, blankets and photo albums.


#4 Grief resources


Grief resources are inclusive of authenticity of professional help in the form of books, contact information for the bereaved, and online articles. This will serve the purpose if the person is unable to formulate communication during grief.


Funerals.lk have made tributes in Sri Lanka more efficient in their process of giving designation to the interests, passions and life work of the deceased on their website. They have promoted the platform for free publication of tributes and obituaries in Sri Lanka as well.


#5 Items for children


The trauma of their own children can be more of a priority than the parents coping themselves. This is where grief support resources in the form of therapy are important for the mental and physical well-being of their children. 


Other resources can suffice like activity books and stuffed animals. 


In conclusion, tributes and memorials in Sri Lanka have reached this stage of grief care packaging in various forms that you can experience at servicing events. People are now free to modify themes at funeral services through complementary packages and gifts at the end of the ceremonies. 



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