Late Shanmuganathan Vaithilingam (1962 – 2020)
My Deepest Condolences to the family and loved ones. Paramasivam Sithamparapillai Family Friend Mississauga,Canada Canada
Late Phillisian Soosaithasan Sosai (1934 – 2017
Alexander master family Canada 13 OCT 2023 • Canada Rest in peace uncle. We always remeber you.
Late Kopalkrishnan Thayalaruban (1979 – 2021)
I’m so sorry for your loss. you have my deepest condolences. Gejavathani Friend Switzerland
Late Manoharan Sellathurai (1952 – 2022)
Ruhe in Frieden, Lieber Schwiegervater. Leider hatten wir nie die Gelegenheit uns richtig kennen zu lernen. Trotzdem hatte ich immer das Gefuhl, dass ich bei…
Late Francis Xavier Ignatius (1954 – 2021)
Late Francis Xavier Ignasius Your vision of life was truly remarkable. you are truly indeed an inspiration to us all. Great loss to all…
Late Rasiah Thavamalar (1938 – 2023)
You have shown the light of the world to my brothers & sisters and to myself in which you are not anymore. Rest in Peace…
Late Kanthaiya Sinnathurai (1953 – 2021)
May my condolences bring you comfort, and may my prayers ease the pain of this loss. From, Muthu Kumar, New York City, NY, USA Tribute…
Late Thiraviyam George Theresa (1941 – 2020)
Late Arumugan Kandia Vivekanandan (1952 – 2022)
We will miss you Vivek, may your soul rest in peace with your Parents and Lord Siva. Kausi please accept my heartfelt condolences and share…
Late Vallipuram Satkunasingam (1952 – 2022)
Late Vallipuram Satkunasingam Wishing you peace to bring comfort, the courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your hearts.…
Late Thuraisingam Thangachipillai (1944 – 2019)
Wishing you peace to bring comfort, the courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your hearts. Tribute by RIPBOOK…
Late Pararajasingam Nadarajasingam (1951 – 2022)
Losing someone we love is nothing easy, but knowing that we have been able to be a part of the life of that person, we…
Late Sivasubramaniam Vimalraj (1969 – 2022)
Rest In Peace, May his soul RIP , Our heartfelt condolences to his family Anushiya & children from KKS GROUP & NADESWARA COLLEGE REGARDS PRABAMUGUNTHAN…
Late Kanapathypillai Selvarajah (1942 – 2022)
Wishing you peace to bring comfort, the courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your hearts. Tribute by RIPBOOK…
Late Kanapathypillai Saraswathy (1943 – 1993)
Wishing you peace to bring comfort, the courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your hearts. Tribute by RIPBOOK…
Late Kanapathypillai Subramaniam (1930-2011)
Miss u appa, Not a day passes by without something or someone reminding us of you. your death has left us bereft & this void…
Late Surekumar Samideeswary (1965 – 2022)
Wishing you peace to bring comfort, the courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your hearts. Tribute by RIPBOOK
Late Luck Anton Arulanantham (1981 – 2022)
My dear sweet heart, I miss you one year you may not be here with me but thoughts of you are always in our heart…
Late Pushpakaladevi Kamalanathan (1960 – 2022)
A thousand words won’t bring you back, I know because I’ve tried; neither will a thousand tears, I know because I’ve cried. Tribute by Naguleswaran…
Late Siva Sivalingam (1967 – 2022)
I was saddened to hear that the beautiful person passed away. My thoughts are with you and your family. Tribute by Singarayar