Dr. (Mrs.) Thas was the dearly beloved wifr of late Dr. Kethar-Thas, retired General Practitioner in the United Kingdom. Dr. (Mrs.) Thas was the beloved daughter of late Mr. & Mrs. Chelladurai and beloved daughter-in-law of late Proctor and Mr. Rasiah of Batticaloa and beloved sister of late Nakuleswaren, late Ganesan, late Soundarambikai, late Nithiyananthan, Thaiyal Nayaky (Dallas-USA) and late Ananthakumaran and beloved sister-in-law of late Thirumanjanam (Mrs.Thevanayagam – Batticaloa), late Proctor Anandarajah (Batticaloa) and late Professor Ramakrishna (University of Colombo). Cousin of Dubsy Kanagaratnam


  • Funeral Status: Completed

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