
IN LOVING MEMORY OFLATE MR. PAVAN NADARAJAH(14.06.1947 – 27.02.2023)“Your values and vision enlightened us through the years.Your soul of compassion still lives on within us”.He was the beloved husband of Mrs. Rajamani, son of late Mr. & Mrs. Pavan & Kamachchi, son-in-law of Late Mr. & Mrs. Ramasamy. Beloved father of Mahendran (Euroaqua-Link (Pvt) Ltd), Sivamalar, Sathieshrajah (Colonial Engineering (Pvt) Ltd), Kogulrajah (Colonial Trade (Pvt) Ltd), Mohanraj (Colonial Electrical (Pvt) Ltd), Anoma (R.A.S. Jewels (Pvt) Ltd) Father-in-law of Paheerathan (Wintekh Trading Company), Leone Michael (Abundance (Pvt) Ltd), Jeyaprabha Mahendran & Rekha Sathieshrajah. Brother of Periyasamy, late Sellathurai, Krishnasamy & Jeyaratnam (Industrial Steel Services), brother-in-law of late Perumal, late Rengaraj and Ramajeyam.Grandfather of Pradeesh, Kawshaliya, Pavanthiya, Thushan, Sakshe & Sudev Mayon. 
FOUNDER:Colonial Group of Companies:


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