
28.12.2021 The day you left us Appa, 1year ago. the worst day in my life. I can’t accept or belive that you are gone forever…😭 They say that time’s a healer But as the time goes on, I Seem to find it just as hard to Face the fact that you’ve gone 😢 Its SO painfull and i NEVER imagine a day like this,Will come and my dad is going to leave us… But Appa… We all miss you a lot, miss you warm hugs, your kiss…because we have No one els, to do that anymore ❤️ I will miss you until i see you again… My heart is filled with sadness and feel’s emty I know you up there are watching us. I know you still love us. I know you bless us. But I don’t know how I will move on from the loss of you Appa ❤️ If God give me a wish, I will ask him to give you back. This day is going to be very hard to pass throug, because all the memories of What happend that day, is going through my heard.. We miss you A LOT Appa❤️ See you on day.. ❤️ With Lot’s of love Your 3 daughters Archana Kamalathas Thayaalini Sajeepa


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