It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of our beloved father, Bastiampillai Soosaipillai Mariyanayagam, who was called to eternal rest on Sunday, 12th January 2025.Mariyanayagam was born in Karampon in 1939 to his devoted parents, Bastiampillai Soosaipillai and Marypillai.He was the loving husband of Mary Margaret (Vinithia) andSon-in-law of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lazaruspillai.​He will forever be cherished as the father of Suresh, Mirani, the late Nivani, Chithrani, Niranjan, and Ruban.​Father-in-law of Amalraj Balaratnam, Patrick Rajasooriar, Vivek James, Jeevitha (Chooty), and Niranjana.​Beloved grandfather to Nilosh, Nirusha, Larissa, Lea, Joshua, Jonathan, Jenin Nincika, and Tenny Abishon.​He was the dear brother of the late Anne Grace, Rose Celestine, and Philomena Poomany.Brother-in-law of Abraham, Ratnasingam, Francis, Laura Xavier, Singarayer (City Medicals) and Arul Xavier (all deceased) and Camilus.


  • Funeral Status: Due
  • Decision on Date of Funeral: Yes
  • Date of Funeral: January 19, 2025
  • Time of Funeral: Saturday, 18th January 2025: From 10:00 AM onwards Sunday, 19th January 2025: From 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
  • Time the Cortege Leaves: 19th January 2025 at 1.00PM followed by burial
  • Location of Remains: A.F. Raymond Parlour
  • Funeral Location: General Cemetery (Catholic Section), Kanatta Borella.

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