JAYASINGHE – HEDWIDGE ELIZABETH (nee) Marcelline. Dearly beloved wife of late Joseph Edward Maximus Jayasinghe, mother of late Preeni Hettiarachchi, mother-in-law of Arjuna Hettiarachchi. Grandmother of Milinda, Devinda & Aminda Hettiarachchi. Sister of late Frances, Greg, Annette, Bertha, Mark, Bernadette, Billy & Hillary Marcelline. Body will rest at A.F. Raymond’s Funeral Parlour from 9 am Friday 06th January 2023, until Saturday 7th January 2023, 9 am for burial at 10 am at the family burial grounds, General Cemetery, Borella.
- Funeral Status: Due
- Decision on Date of Funeral: Yes
- Time of Funeral: 6th January 2023 from 09:00am to 7th January 2022 09:00am
- Time the Cortege Leaves: 7th January 2022 09:00am - 10:00am
- Location of Remains: A.F. Raymonds Funeral Parlor, Borella
- Funeral Location: General Cemetery, Borella.
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