
REV. FR. M. WINSTON PLACIDUS DE SILVA,​ of the Archdiocese of Colombo,​ expired on Wednesday the 15th June 2022. He is the beloved son of the late Mr M Austin De Silva and late Mrs A. Winifreda Agnes Fernando. His mortal remains will lie in state at St. Lucia’s Cathedral,​ Kotahena,​ Colombo 13 until 2.00 p.m. on 16th June 2022 and thereafter transferred to St Anne’s Church,​ Wattala. Requiem Mass will be held on Friday,​ the 17th June 2022 at 2.30 p.m. followed by Burial at the R.C. Cemetery,​ Wattala. Archbishop’s House,​ Borella.


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