Activating Donations in Your Obituary Notice

With the obituary notice that is placed, you may want to enable donations from family and friends who care for you and your loved one who has passed. This is why we have enabled a feature where they can donate to you at this very hard time.

To enable this feature, there will be a nominal fee of Rs.2,500/- towards the processing of the request. You will need to complete the form below which will request for bank details, NIC card details and possible address verifications to proceed. Please understand that this process will enable a smooth trustworthy process to all and the private information will not be made public.

Once we have reviewed the donation request form,  and approved it, we will upload it to the obituary notice which will contain a link for friends and family to donate at.

As all payments are made via credit card or electronically, there will be bank charges that will apply to a maximum of 3%. So for example, if Rs.10,000/- worth donations were received, you will be charged Rs.300/-

Please note that we at does not make any profit from this service as we consider this sacred to you.

Donation Activation - Request Form (Please complete in full)

Proceed to pay Rs.2,500/- as processing fee