Naomal Perera – Tribute & 3 Month Remembrance
Late Muthusamy Arumugam (1950 – 2012)
Deepest sympathies to your family. Thank you very much for every thing you have done to us. Never forgotten. Rest in peace.. Tribute by Ranji
Late Thamotharanpillai Logeswaran (1947 – 2022)
Wreath Laid Wishing you peace to bring comfort, the courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your hearts. RIPBOOK…
Late Rasiah Kathiragamarajah (1962 – 2021)
My Dear Brother I missing you so much I am looking every part of the corner to find and almost one year gone still looking…
PERUSINGHE – KESHINI – Dulantha and Onella gratefully thank all who cared for Keshini during her illness. They also appreciate the messages of sympathy and the…
Late Nagarathinam Srikanesamoorthy (1946 – 2022)
My sincerest condolences for you at this time. You have my deepest sympathy and unwavering support. Tribute by mathura and family Friend London
Late Mahendran Kanagendram (1944 – 2022)
Rest in peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this moment. May happy memories of your beloved bring you comfort during this sad…
Late Kandasamy Balasekeram (1942 – 2013)
Bala anna is such a great person, The memories will not end in 10 years, will live forever with us. Vasanthamala United Kingdom 9 hours…
Late Devanayagam Josephine (1946 – 2020)
Our heartfelt condolences to you and your family members. Chrissty Ratnasingham Karampon East Germany
Late Rooparani Jeevanantham (1957 – 2021)
Miss jeevanantham its unfortunate i never got to meet you but you raised such a good person in face of pruda im thankful for imparting…
Late Pathumasena Mahadevan (1942 – 2013)
Its been a decade, but feels like yesterday and remember every moments with you. The memories will live forever with us. We miss you Mami.…
Late Edward Regina (1941 – 2022)
Wishing you peace to bring comfort, the courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your hearts. Tribute by RIP…
Late Premachandran Kandiah (1971 – 2022)
I was saddened to hear that the beautiful person passed away. My thoughts are with you and your family. Tribute by NATHAN SRITHARAN CANADA
Late Satheeskumar Shanmuganathan (1978 – 2020)
My heartfelt condolences to you and your family. May his soul Rest In Peace. Kandiah Sivapalasundaram 0.0:/584 Blaxland road,Eastwood, NSW 2122, Australia dr#Cousin
Late Shanmuganathan Vaithilingam (1962 – 2020)
My Deepest Condolences to the family and loved ones. Paramasivam Sithamparapillai Family Friend Mississauga,Canada Canada
Late Phillisian Soosaithasan Sosai (1934 – 2017
Alexander master family Canada 13 OCT 2023 • Canada Rest in peace uncle. We always remeber you.
Late Kopalkrishnan Thayalaruban (1979 – 2021)
I’m so sorry for your loss. you have my deepest condolences. Gejavathani Friend Switzerland
Late Manoharan Sellathurai (1952 – 2022)
Ruhe in Frieden, Lieber Schwiegervater. Leider hatten wir nie die Gelegenheit uns richtig kennen zu lernen. Trotzdem hatte ich immer das Gefuhl, dass ich bei…
Late Francis Xavier Ignatius (1954 – 2021)
Late Francis Xavier Ignasius Your vision of life was truly remarkable. you are truly indeed an inspiration to us all. Great loss to all…
Late Rasiah Thavamalar (1938 – 2023)
You have shown the light of the world to my brothers & sisters and to myself in which you are not anymore. Rest in Peace…
Late Kanthaiya Sinnathurai (1953 – 2021)
May my condolences bring you comfort, and may my prayers ease the pain of this loss. From, Muthu Kumar, New York City, NY, USA Tribute…