
Leela Mother – We, the family of Leela Motha (nee Pereira), thank our dear relatives and friends who comforted and supported us is our time of grief. We are especially indebted to Reverend Fathers Jagath Anthony OMI and Amila Sandaruwan Perera OMI of the Church of Our Lady of Fatima for the unstinting spiritual support they provided.

We are grateful that our beloved mother was granted the divine grace of a peaceful and holy death. We were deeply moved by the many massages, warm memories and loving condolences that were conveyed to us by the many whose lives she had touched. She lived a life out of the limelight but made a lasting impression on numerous relatives and friends by her unshakeable faith, her creative talents and the inspiring encouragement she gave both young and old.We are blessed to have had our dear mother in our lives for these many years.May her soul rest in eternal peace.Christine and Amal, Manuela, Navin and Himanshi and Pravin


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