

My loveing Vasee I chose you to do life with you. HAND IN HAND. Side by side. I chose to love with my whole being unconditionally I chose you at the beginning and end of EVERY DAY And I’d choose you in a habdred life times in a habdred world’s in any version of reality I’d find you and I’D CHOOSE YOU. I love you your whole life I”ll miss you for THE REST Of MINE. I PROMISE YOU My whole life and as you. REST IN PEACE. I’ll remain your wife with a love that will never cease . For sure ONE DAY WE’LL MEET AGAIN. I’ll be with you vasee you are my best Angel. I wish I could climb up to Heaven to give you a bigger hug and tell you how much I miss you. My body may remain here on earth, but my heart and soul there with you, IN HEAVEN 💝💝💝💝💝 I love you forever more ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Your kids love you forever more than anything 💞💞 For the LORD does not see as many sees; For man look at the out word appearance But the LORD LOOKS at the heart ❤️ vasee. GOD sees OUR HEART. YOUR


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