
RATNESAR (nee GULASEKHARAM) PUSHPARANEE – Mother of Mlshthi and Rabi,​ sister of the late Shanthi and Viji and Vasanthi,​ grandmother of Dylan,​ Sarah and Mark,​ passed away peacefully on 10 February in the USA. A Memorial Service will be held at the Methodist Church,​ Colpetty on 26.02.2024 at 6 p.m. h​a​n​s​o​n​.​g​r​a​c​e​m​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​ r​a​b​i​.​r​a​t​n​e​s​a​r​@​w​a​b​t​e​c​.​c​o​m​    


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