Mr. Bruno Ratnasingham passed away in Toronto Canada 8th March 2025. Bruno was born to his beloved parents late Francis Ratnasingham and late Rose Celestine in Karampon, lived in Karampon, Mathagal and Canada. He was the beloved husband of Ranjini (Baby) Mary. Dear father to Herman, Norman and Angela. Father in-law to Linta Vasanthini, Christa Sharlini and Jerald Surharshan. Grandfather of Antonio Nicholas and Adrian Andres. Loving brother of Doreen (Canada), late Anton Justin, Joseph (Australia), Chrissty (Germany), Angelo (Canada), Felician (Germany),Loving brother-in-law of late Anton Milfred, late Joseph Alfred, Aloysius, late Fatima. Late Joseph Rajendram, Veronica Anton, Yogini, Sakunthala, Milani and Shereen. Parlour Viewing: Will followFuneral Detail: 15th March 2025.
- Funeral Status: Due
- Decision on Date of Funeral: Yes
- Date of Funeral: March 15, 2025
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