Website for obituaries, funeral notices and memorials in Sri Lanka

Meet the pioneer website for obituaries, funeral notices and memorials in Sri Lanka.

It’s never been easier to find out about a loved one’s death & how to pay your last respects.

It’s our mission to make the process of planning a funeral easier for families in Sri Lanka and also to create a single place where all necessary information is available. That’s why we offer access to information and services related to obituaries, funerals, death notices, tributes and more on one platform.

How does the site work?

It’s easy to use. If you are searching for information on the death of a friend or loved one, simply enter the person’s name in the search box and you will get a list of all names matching your criteria. You may even filter by location or religion.

If you intend to post a notice for an obituary or a tribute, simply select “Post a notice” on the top right and follow the steps. You will be prompted to enter some information including a picture of the loved one. Once this is done, it’s easy to share the link with friends and family so that they are informed of the details. You may even want to revise the information in the notice from time to time as and when you get more details, thereby being able to update the obituary notice.

If it’s a tribute or remembrance that you intend to post, much like the obituary, simply proceed with posting a notice and follow the instructions. In the tribute area however you have the option of posting a link of a tribute video, you may upload to youtube for instance. This will add richness to the tribute with audio & video content available to you. Remember that you need to register with us first to post an obituary or tribute.

What can you do on the site?

  • Search for an obituary of a loved one in Sri Lanka
  • Post an obituary or tribute
  • Post a message in response to an obituary or tribute
  • Send flowers to the family of loved ones who has passed (Coming soon)
  • View all notices by leading funeral homes in the country
  • Setup a donation fund for the family
  • Help the family of someone who has passed by donating to them.

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